
Membership with the Bowhunters of Rockingham is handled through an application process. Applications can be obtained at our shoots, meetings, or through a member. Two references from club members are required. Each application is reviewed at the next meeting after being received. The reference club members are asked to speak on the applicants behalf. Then the members present vote on whether or not to accept the application. It sounds difficult but it really isn’t applicants are seldom rejected. The best way to become a member is to come out to our shoots and get to know us.

Download Forms:    Application or Membership Renewal

Annual Dues

BOR Annual Dues $58
Virginia Bowhunter Assocation(VBA) Dues First Adult (includes subscription to flight) required $22
New Membership Initiation (one time only) $10




A membership into the Bowhunters of Rockingham is always a head of household membership which means your spouse and children under 18 are automatically members with no additional dues. This does not make them members in the Virginia Bowhunters Assocation (VBA) so they are not eligible for VBA closed tournaments or VBA hunting awards. We encourage signing up your family members to the VBA when you join or renew each year. If you choose to, it's not required, the additional fees are as follows.
Additional VBA memberships are $8 for the second (spouse) family member, children under 18 are $5. The maximum VBA dues are $32 per year.

Being a Member

Membership gives you 24/7 access to the club house, indoor range and the entire property. You will get a key to the gate when you pay your dues. Membership also comes with the responsibility of looking out for the place. There are no work requirements for membership but everyone is encouraged to attend the work parties held at 8am every Saturday before a shot. You’ll learn how to set up a 3D course and we always have a few odds and ends to work on. Work parties are almost always over before noon and can be a lot of fun. We also have an annual wood cutting work party in December. Those present get first draw for the upcoming indoor leagues. So come on out and help when you can everyone’s help is appreciated.

Members are also eligible for club hunting awards. Everyone is encouraged to turn in record of their kills to the club. We have the yearly awards for consecutive years with a deer kill, biggest buck, biggest rack to name a few. We also offer the Southern Bowhunter awards. This award is based on a point system for your recorded kills over time, click on the link to learn more.