
Are one of the highlights for many members each year. Each year we have indoor leagues in the winter and outdoor leagues in the spring and summer. All of our leagues have a mix of men, women, youth and cubs making it fun for the whole family. It is a lot of fun and keeps your shooting skills ready for the fall hunt.

Indoor Leagues

Indoor leagues are usually made up of 6 person teams. We shoot at standard NFAA 300 round indoor targets at 20 yards for youth and above and 10 yards for cubs. Each week teams are matched against each other in a rotation. Matches consist of 3 games with 4 archers from each team shooting for a team score in each game. A handicap is calculated for each game based on the participating shooters current game average. A point is awarded for the winning team in each game and a point is awarded for the overall match total for a possible 4 points per team per week. Finally the top teams meet for a shoot off during the final weeks of the league to determine the final placing for the league.

Indoor leagues start up early in January right after hunting season and end in mid March. The cost is $5 per shooter per week.

Outdoor Leagues

For the outdoor leagues shooters are grouped into 2 person teams. The outdoor leagues are shot on the outdoor field archery course. Each week we shoot 14 targets or a field archery unit with a possible score of 280 points. An average is kept for each team and an 80% handicap is calculated each week against a perfect score. All teams compete against each other each week with their total score being the sum of the score shoot + their handicap. Points are awarded 1 for first, 2 for second, 3 for third and so on. The winner of the league is the team with the least number of points in the end.

Outdoor leagues begin in early May and end in August. The cost is $10 per shooter for the whole league.

All of our leagues are organized by Lowell Hertzler. Lowell can be reached at 540 833-5365 for any questions.